
The company Interfinanz Kredite GmbH is a company under Swiss law with headquarters in Basel.

Postal address:

Interfinanz Kredite GmbH
Bordeaux street 5
CH-4053 Basel

Phone: +41 61 331 54 31
Fax: +41 61 331 54 33

commercial register

Company number: CH-
Legal nature: limited liability company (GmbH)
Registered: October 6, 2005

Supervisory authority:

Office for Economy and Labor, Basel

Legal notice:

Interfinanz Kredite GmbH continuously updates and checks the data on its website. Despite all care, the content may have changed in the meantime. Any liability or guarantee for correctness, topicality and completeness is therefore rejected.

This also applies to all other websites that are referred to via hyperlinks. Interfinanz Kredite GmbH is not responsible for the content of the websites that are reached through such a link.